
16 PKK terrorists neutralized Saturday

Terrorists neutralized inside Turkey, abroad, Turkish military says

Ersin Çelik
09:29 - 18/06/2017 Pazar
Update: 09:30 - 18/06/2017 Pazar
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Sixteen PKK terrorists were neutralized Saturday, the Turkish military announced early Sunday.

Turkish Air Forces have conducted airstrikes in the Zap area of northern Iraq that neutralized six terrorists while armed drones neutralized five terrorists in the Nirva Seytu area, the military said in a written statement.

Of three terrorists neutralized in Erzurum province, eastern Turkey, two were on "category green" and "category grey" on the Turkish Interior Ministry’s wanted terrorists list.

The Interior Ministry list is divided into five color-coded categories with red designated as the most wanted, followed by blue, green, orange and grey.

One terrorist was neutralized in the Semdinli district of southeastern Şırnak and another was neutralized in the Lice district of southeastern Diyarbakır.

Separately from the 16 terrorists who were neutralized, two others surrendered in the Pervari district of southeastern Siirt.

More than 1,200 people, including security force personnel and civilians, have lost their lives since the PKK -- listed as a terrorist organization by Turkey, the U.S., and the EU -- resumed its decades-old armed campaign in July 2015.

#16 terrorists neutralized
#Turkish military
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