
China will continue to work for ending Palestinian-Israeli conflict

Foreign Ministry spokesman says Beijing ‘always' firmly supports just cause of Palestinians

06:52 - 23/05/2024 الخميس
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China on Wednesday said it will continue to work with the international community to play a “constructive” role in ending the Palestinian-Israeli conflict “as early as possible" and promoting a “comprehensive, just, and lasting” settlement of the Palestinian question.

“China always firmly supports the just cause of the Palestinian people in restoring their legitimate national rights, supports the two-state solution and is one of the first countries to recognize the State of Palestine," China's Foreign Ministry Spokesperson, Wang Wenbin said during a news conference in Beijing.

He was responding to a question about the recognition of the Palestinian State by Spain, Norway, and Ireland.

“China's stance on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is consistent. We believe the immediate priority is to implement UNSC (UN Security Council) Resolution 2728, realize cease-fire at once, end the unprecedented humanitarian crisis in Gaza, and return to the right track of seeking a political settlement of the Palestinian question on the basis of the two-state solution as soon as possible," he said.

​​​​​​​The announcement of state recognition by the three European countries comes as Israel continued its brutal offensive on the Gaza Strip since Oct. 7, 2023 despite a UN Security Council resolution demanding an immediate cease-fire in the enclave.​​​​​​​

More than 35,700 Palestinians have been killed, the vast majority of whom have been women and children, and nearly 80,000 others injured since last October following an attack by the Palestinian group Hamas.

More than seven months into the Israeli war, vast swathes of Gaza lay in ruins amid a crippling blockade of food, clean water, and medicine.

Israel is accused of genocide at the International Court of Justice, which has ordered it to ensure that its forces do not commit acts of genocide and take measures to guarantee that humanitarian assistance is provided to civilians in Gaza.

#Palestinian cause
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