
Do not deceive the world with these lies: Erdoğan tells BBC

President Erdoğan said the EU was wasting Turkey’s time, and added: If the EU bluntly said it would not be able to accept Turkey into the EU, this would be comforting for Turkey.

Ersin Çelik
10:28 - 12/07/2017 Wednesday
Update: 10:35 - 12/07/2017 Wednesday
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Turkish ​President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan gave an interview to BBC.
Turkish ​President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan gave an interview to BBC.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan gave an interview to BBC. Erdoğan said Turkey was “able to stand on its own two feet.” He said if the EU bluntly stated it would not be able to accept Turkey into the EU, this would be comforting for Turkey.

Regarding the arrested journalists, President stated only two people out of 150 journalists in prison had press cards. “Please let's not deceive the world with these lies,” Erdoğan said.

Accusing the EU of wasting Turkey’s time, Erdoğan added that "We are loyal to our word. If the EU, bluntly says, 'We will not be able to accept Turkey into the EU' this will be comforting for us. We will then initiate our plan B, and C.”

Turkey was once being described as a country which accomplished a silent revolution during the European Union leaders summits, reminded President Erdoğan. “Now the same EU not only doesn't invite us to the leaders' summits any more - they also waste our time. This is the current situation.”

The President said the majority of Turks did not want accession to the EU anymore, and emphasized that the EU’s approach to Turkey was insincere.

Negotiations for Turkey’s accession to the EU began in October, 2005 and have been ongoing ever since.

#Recep Tayyip Erdoğan
#European Union
7 years ago