
Erdoğan: Syrian-origin suicide bomber behind Istanbul blast

Turkish President said that a suicide bomber of Syrian-origin was responsible of attack in Sultanahmet region of Istanbul

Ersin Çelik
15:49 - 12/01/2016 Salı
Update: 16:35 - 12/01/2016 Salı
Yeni Şafak

Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has made a live television address over the explosion that rocked central Istanbul's Sultanahmet square, a major tourist attraction and left 10 people killed.

Erdoğan said that a Syrian-origin suicide bomber was behind the Istanbul blast in his first speech after the incident.

Turkish President who condemned the attack also highlighted the significance of unity against the terror groups.

"The recent incident indicated the importance of the determination and the unity against terrorism. Turkey will continue to fight against terror determinately," said Erdoğan.

"Turkey is the biggest and first target of the terrorist groups because we fight against them without distinguishing their names. For us, PKK, (Kurdistan Workers' Party), Daesh, DHKP-C or YPG (People's Protection Units) and many others are all the same," Erdoğan said.

"You see the obvious indecisive attitude of many European countries toward the terrorism. None of them is as determinant as Turkey in the war against terror and none of them was damaged as much as Turkey.

In recent months, Turkey has been shaken by several terror attacks which claimed over 100 lives.

In July last year, at least 32 people were killed in an explosion in the border city of Suruç, when a suicide bomb targeted a group of youth during a rally in the city of Şanlıurfa province.

Months after the Suruç attack, Turkey's capital city, Ankara, was rocked by two simultaneous suicide attacks.

The Ankara attack was the deadliest attack in the history of the Turkish Republic as 102 people were killed in the incident. Two suicide bombers detonated themselves in a rally near the capital's main train station.

According to security authorities, the Suruç attack was carried out by the Daesh terrorist organization, while the Ankara attacks were conducted by a cooperation between Daesh and the PKK terrorist group.

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