
PKK claims responsibility for Diyarbakır attack

Diyarbakır governorate says the PKK terror group claimed the responsibility of a car bomb attack that killed one and injured tens of people early on Friday, only hours after HDP lawmakers were detained by police

Ersin Çelik
12:42 - 4/11/2016 Cuma
Update: 12:46 - 4/11/2016 Cuma
Yeni Şafak

The outlawed Kurdistan Worker's Party (PKK) terrorist organization has claimed responsibility for a car bomb attack in southeast Turkey's Diyarbakır province that killed at least one and injured over 30 on Friday.

The blast that occurred around 8 a.m. near a police facility in the Bağlar district was caused by the detonation of an explosive-laden vehicle, the Diyarbakır governorate's office said in an earlier statement.

The responsibility for the attack was claimed by the PKK terrorist organization, the office said later.

Blast follows detention of HDP lawmakers

The explosion occurred hours after police detained 11 lawmakers from the opposing People's Democratic Party (HDP) for not attending the prosecutor's summon to give a statement regarding an ongoing anti-terror investigation.

Despite being a parliamentary group, HDP has longstanding ties with the PKK terrorist group, which is responsible for numerous terror attacks in the southeast.

The PKK, which is listed as a terror organization to Turkey, EU and the US, has been conducting armed conflicts since 1984 and is responsible for killing over 40,000 people.

8 yıl önce