
Referendum outcome will 'bring stability' to Turkey

Chairman of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina says Turkey will become a stronger force in the region

Ersin Çelik
16:06 - 17/04/2017 الإثنين
Update: 16:07 - 17/04/2017 الإثنين
Bakir Izetbegovic press conference in Sarajevo
Bakir Izetbegovic press conference in Sarajevo

Muslim Bosniak member of the tri-partite Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bakir Izetbegovic said on Monday that the outcome of Turkey's constitutional referendum would bring stability to Turkey and make it even a stronger regional force.

Speaking at an event in Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Bosniak leader congratulated the Turkish people on the outcome and said that Turkey had a stabilizing and positive role in the region.

Turkey would benefit from having a strong leadership, he added.

Turkish voters went to the polls on Sunday to decide whether to approve changes to the country’s constitution that would usher in an executive presidency.

According to unofficial results, the Yes campaign won on 51.41 percent, while the No votes stood at 48.59 percent. Voter turnout was 85.46 percent.

#Bakir Izetbegovic
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