
Turkey conveys condolences to Albania over quake

A 6.4 magnitude earthquake jolted Albania this morning, killed at least 7

News Service
14:39 - 26/11/2019 Tuesday
Update: 14:51 - 26/11/2019 Tuesday
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Turkey on Tuesday conveyed condolences to Albania over a powerful earthquake that hit the country.

"We received the news with deep sorrow that an earthquake of 6.4 magnitude occurred in Albania this morning (26 November), whose epicenter was on the Adriatic Sea, 10 km [6.2 miles] off the town of Durres," Turkey’s Foreign Ministry said in a written statement.

It extended "heartfelt condolences" to the people of Albania for the loss of lives, and wished speedy recovery to the injured.

"Turkey, as always, is side by side with Albania in the face of this catastrophe. A search and rescue and a medical team have been dispatched by our country and will be transferred to Tirana today by military plane," it added.

Stressing solidarity with the government and people of Albania, it said Turkey is "ready to provide any assistance that may be needed".

A 6.4 magnitude earthquake hit western Durres city of Albania on Tuesday at 3.54 a.m. local time (0254GMT), according to the country's Institute of GeoSciences, Energy, Water and Environment.

According to a statement by the country's Defense Ministry, the earthquake has killed at least seven people, one of whom jumped from a window due to panic.

#Adriatic Sea
#powerful earthquake
#Turkey’s foreign ministry
5 years ago