
Turkey issues travel warning for Lebanon over mass protests

Foreign Ministry recommends Turkish citizens closely follow Turkish Embassy in Beirut's social media accounts

News Service
10:45 - 22/10/2019 Tuesday
Update: 10:50 - 22/10/2019 Tuesday
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Turkey issued a warning Monday to its citizens traveling to Lebanon over mass protests in the country.

Local and inter-city roads and roads leading to the airport could be blocked by protests, said the Foreign Ministry in a statement.

It urged the public to take this into account “when considering visits to Lebanon for trade, tourism, or other purposes," it said.

People should also closely follow the social media accounts of Turkish Embassy in Beirut, it said.

Anti-government protests, fueled by deteriorating economic conditions and anger over government corruption and failures, have rocked Lebanon since Thursday.

Lebanon suffers from high unemployment, slow growth, and one of the highest debt ratios in the world.

#travel alert
#Turkey's Foreign Ministry
5 years ago