
Turkey responds to Syrian mortar fire

Five mortar shells fired from a Syrian site hit Turkish soil; Turkish border guard units retaliate with artillery fire

Ersin Çelik
18:06 - 26/02/2016 Friday
Update: 18:09 - 26/02/2016 Friday
Yeni Şafak

Mortar shells fired from Syria landed in the Turkish border province of Hatay on Friday. Turkish border security responded in kind.

At least five shells hit Turkish soil in Yayladağı district. No casualties were reported, as the shells landed in an open field between Kışlak and Uğuryolu neighborhoods.

According to the rules of engagement, Turkish border security units returned fire into the shells' place of origin in Syria.

Turkish military fire reportedly hit Syrian regime forces' artillery positions.

Yayladağı is a Turkish town across the border from the Syrian city of Jabal Ekrad, where opposition groups have been fighting against forces loyal to Bashar al Assad for three days.

#mortar shells
8 years ago