
Turkish expert pleads for end to blood sport after finding rare eagle shot dead in Ankara

A young eastern imperial eagle was found shot dead in Turkey's Ankara

16:33 - 23/10/2021 Cumartesi
Update: 16:43 - 23/10/2021 Cumartesi
Turkish expert pleads for end to blood sport after finding rare eagle shot dead in Ankara
Turkish expert pleads for end to blood sport after finding rare eagle shot dead in Ankara

A biologist and bird specialist pleaded to end the atrocities against endangered species after discovering a rare eagle that had been killed by trophy hunters in Turkey's capital of Ankara.

Photo: Dogan News Agency

Bird-watchers from the Bulgarian branch of BirdLife International, a conservation charity, made contact with Cansu Özcan when the GPS tracking device that was attached to an eastern imperial eagle, also known as aquila heliaca, constantly kept sending signals from the same location in the Turkish capital.

Photo courtesy: DHA


"Dozens of pellet remains were detected in many parts of the eagle's body, such as wings, chest, and abdominal cavity," Özcan told reporters.

Photo: Dogan News Agency

The rare young eagle was found shot dead just months after it was released into the wild following treatment for previous wounds due to falling out of the nest.

#eastern imperial eagle
#endangered species
#Cansu Özcan
3 yıl önce