
Türkiye 'neutralizes' 2 PKK/KCK terrorists in northern Iraq

Terrorists were reportedly preparing to attack Turkish forces, according to security sources

17:02 - 24/05/2024 Friday
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Turkish National Intelligence Organization (MIT) "neutralized" two PKK/KCK terrorists on Friday.

Terrorists were reportedly preparing to attack the Turkish armed forces in Hakurk in northern Iraq, security sources said.

Turkish intelligence started following the terrorists after it detected they were carrying notes containing information regarding the attack, the sources said.

MIT, facilitated by their agents within the organization, initiated an operation and "neutralized" the two terrorists carrying instructions from the organization's ringleaders.

It was determined that terrorists Hadice Kaya, codenamed Nujiyan Isyan, and Heva Kivelcek, a Syrian and codenamed Diljin Azadi, joined the terrorist organization in 2015 and took part in terrorist acts in Gara, Avashin and Hakurk in northern Iraq.

*Writing by Yasin Gungor

#National Intelligence Organization
#northern Iraq
#PKK/KCK terrorists
23 days ago