
UAE hitman Dahlan takes aim at Turkey, calls Erdoğan his ‘enemy’

In an interview aired on the pan-Arab Dubai-based MBC channel, Dahlan repeatedly called Erdoğan and Turkey’s Justice and Development (AK) Party government his 'enemies'

News Service
12:34 - 6/11/2019 Wednesday
Update: 12:42 - 6/11/2019 Wednesday
Yeni Şafak
deposed Fatah official Mohammed Dahlan
deposed Fatah official Mohammed Dahlan

As Turkey continues its cross-border operation in Syria, deposed Fatah official Mohammed Dahlan took aim at Turkey in a recent interview on Tuesday, calling Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan “his enemy.”

In an interview aired on the pan-Arab Dubai-based MBC channel, Dahlan repeatedly called Erdoğan and Turkey’s Justice and Development (AK) Party government his “enemies.”

Mohammed Dahlan, the former security chief for the Palestinian Authority who is also known as the “hitman” of the Middle East, was the main mediator between the UAE government and an assassination squad in Yemen and one of Saudi Crown Prine Mohammad bin Salman’s pawns in the region.

He also allegedly played an active role in assembling a “cover-up team” of four tasked with erasing all traces of the gruesome murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi in 2018.

Israel’s mouthpiece: Dahlan

In his MBC interview, Dahlan spoke on behalf of Israel when he smeared Turkey by claiming Ankara was after reviving the Ottoman Empire in the region.

Over the course of the interview, Dahlan rejected having played any role in the July 15 coup attempt carried out by the Fetullah Terror Organization (FETÖ), which he has blamed for by Turkish media.

Qatar is being threatened too

Dahlan also took aim at Qatar, threatening the Turkey-allied tiny Gulf monarchy by towing the UAE-Saudi foreign policy line.

“Qatar must work together with Arab countries instead of Turkey and Iran,” warned Dahlan.

They want to isolate Palestine

According to a scandalous report, Dahlan, who was sacked from his position in 2011, reportedly wanted to replace Mahmoud Abbas as president.

Dahlan had previously attempted to carry out a coup against both Hamas and Abbas, with his ultimate goal being to establish a Palestine that is subservient to the UAE by isolating it from Turkey and Qatar.

5 years ago