
UN relief chief sounds alarm about growing humanitarian crisis in Gaza amid aid blockage

'Civilians in Gaza are being starved and killed, and we are prevented from helping them,' says Martin Griffiths

12:34 - 10/05/2024 Friday
Update: 12:34 - 10/05/2024 Friday
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The UN relief chief on Thursday issued a stark warning about the harrowing conditions in the Gaza Strip, where an Israeli blockade has left civilians teetering on the brink of starvation and death.

"Civilians in Gaza are being starved and killed, and we are prevented from helping them," Martin Griffiths wrote on X.

Stressing that "nothing and no one has been allowed in or out of Gaza" for the past three days, Griffiths drew attention to the grim picture of a region isolated from essential supplies and vital assistance.

"The closure of the crossings means no fuel. It means no trucks, no generators, no water, no electricity and no movement of people or goods," the relief chief emphasized, highlighting the desperate plight faced by Gazans.

He noted that closure of crossings simply means "no aid," and underscored the humanitarian impasse that has paralyzed relief efforts.

"Our supplies are stuck. Our teams are stuck," the UN official remarked.

Griffiths concluded by saying: "This is Gaza today, even after 7 months of horrors."

#Gaza Strip
#Martin Griffiths
#UN relief chief
24 days ago