
UN Security Council fails to adopt resolution on weapons of mass destruction in space

Draft resolution, penned by Russia, blocked with votes of 7 in favor, 7 against, and 1 abstention

06:02 - 21/05/2024 Tuesday
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A draft resolution spearheaded by Russia, advocating for the prohibition of the placement of any weapons in space, failed to receive sufficient support at the UN Security Council (UNSC) on Monday.

The draft resolution, which was put to a vote in the 15-member Council, received 7 votes in favor, 7 against, and 1 abstention.

In order for a resolution to pass, it needs to secure at least nine out of 15 votes.

The draft resolution calls for "urgent measures to prevent for all time the placement of weapons in outer space and the threat or use of force in outer space."

It also called for the establishment of multilateral and binding agreements on the matter, promoting the peaceful use of space.

On April 24, Russia had vetoed a draft resolution, authored by Japan and the US, that recommended peaceful use of outer space and prevention of arms race in outer space.

#outer space
#UN Security Council
3 months ago