
World must be vigilant against FETÖ: Turkish FM

Çavuşoğlu tells OSCE meeting that FETÖ is active in 170 countries

Ersin Çelik
17:20 - 8/12/2016 Thursday
Update: 17:23 - 8/12/2016 Thursday

Foreign Minister Mevlut Çavuşoğlu has urged international partners on Thursday to be vigilant against Fethullah Terrorist Organization, or FETÖ, which is believed to have organized the July 15 coup attempt in Turkey.

Addressing counterparts from 56 nations at the annual meeting of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) in Hamburg, Germany, Çavuşoğlu warned FETÖ was not only a threat for Turkey but also for other countries.

“We all need to be vigilant against this terrorist organisation FETÖ. Because this is a terror network that is active all over the world in 170 countries," he said.

Çavuşoğlu underlined that members of FETÖ were responsible for the foiled attempt to overthrow the democratically elected Turkish government on the night of July 15th.

“Fighter jets bombed our Turkish parliament. Tanks rolled over the innocent civilians. FETO terrorists killed 248 people and thousands were injured. But Turkish people stopped this coup attempt and defended democracy," he said.

Çavuşoğlu thanked countries that showed solidarity with Turkey amid the coup attempt, and underlined that Turkey will continue to take every necessary measure within the rule of law to avoid a similar attempt in the future.

The Turkish foreign minister also called on OSCE member states to take indiscriminate action against all terrorist groups regardless of their political affiliation.

“Our nations are fighting against a number of terrorist groups, including al Qaeda, Daesh, and others. And FETÖ is no different from them," he stressed.

“Our fight against terrorism must above all be sincere and indiscriminate. Let us not forget that there is no good terrorist," he added.

#July 15 coup attempt
7 years ago