
UEFA matches to pay tribute to late Argentinian striker

Argentina’s Emiliano Sala was killed in a plane crash last month

Ersin Çelik
13:45 - 12/02/2019 الثلاثاء
Update: 13:56 - 12/02/2019 الثلاثاء
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A minute’s silence will be observed at all UEFA Champions League and UEFA Europa League matches this week to commemorate footballer Emiliano Sala, who died in a plane crash last month.

"All UEFA competition matches this week will observe a minute’s silence out of respect for the memory of Emiliano Sala, who tragically died in a plane crash," UEFA said in a statement on Tuesday.

The 28-year-old Argentinian died after the plane he was traveling in, along with pilot David Ibbotson, crashed into the English Channel on Jan. 21.

"Clubs competing in UEFA competition matches this week will also have the option to wear black armbands in memory of Sala," UEFA said.

Sala played for Nantes before joining Cardiff City in the Premier League. The Argentinian striker had also played for other French clubs, including Bordeaux and SM Caen.

He was 28 years old at the time of his death.

#Argentinian striker
#Emiliano Sala
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