
East Mosul turns into a 'ghost city' after Daesh withdrawal

14:00 - 19/01/2017 Thursday
Update: 14:12 - 19/01/2017 Thursday
Yeni Şafak

Iraqi government troops say they are in “full control” of east Mosul, three months into a major operation to recapture the country's second city Mosul, but no sign of life remains in the city after being cleaned of all Daesh terrorists. Despite the “victory” of Iraqi forces; Daesh left a “ghost city” behind. The footage reveals all the burned, razed houses and the streets appear to be turned into ruins. In mid-2014, the Daesh terrorist group captured the northern city of Mosul and overran vast swathes of territory in northern and western Iraq. Due to a lack of any official figures, the number of casualties during the Mosul operation remain unknown.

#East Mosul
7 years ago