
Activists planning peace march from Berlin to Aleppo

'Civil March For Aleppo’ initiative aims to stop bombings, provide humanitarian aid to Syrians

Ersin Çelik
09:52 - 5/12/2016 Pazartesi
Update: 09:56 - 5/12/2016 Pazartesi

A group of European activists is planning a major march from Berlin to the Syrian city of Aleppo later this month, to call for an end to the heavy airstrikes which have killed hundreds.

Polish journalist and blogger Anna Alboth, who initiated the idea, together with her colleagues and friends, told Anadolu Agency they are expecting hundreds to join them in Berlin on Dec. 26.

“Our main aim, or our main dream, is that what is happening in Aleppo should be over, so that the civilians have access to humanitarian help. That is the thing," she said.

In eastern Aleppo, around 300,000 civilians have been reeling under a crippling regime-imposed siege for more than three months.

Since mid-November, more than 758 civilians have been killed -- and 2,500 others injured -- in regime attacks, according to figures released by local civil defense officials.

Alboth said many Europeans are tired of feeling powerless amid the deepening humanitarian crisis in Aleppo, and want to take action.

"We are just random Europeans who have had enough," she said, adding that many of them do not want to remain passive.

“We would like to give people like us a chance to take part in the movement, to say what they think. We also want to give hope to the people in Aleppo," she said.

The activists, who created the @CivilMarchForAleppo account on social media sites last week are hoping to gather nearly 5,000 people in Berlin on Dec. 26, when they will begin their civil march on Aleppo.

Alboth stressed that their campaign is not affiliated with any political party or organization, and it is an initiative of dozens of volunteers across Europe.

“Most of the people in our organizing team are citizens from various European countries. We are around 120 people; most of us are in their 30's or 40's. There is no group behind us," she said.

Alboth underlined that they were open to participation from everyone, including members of political organizations or parties who share their concerns over Syria, but would only allow white flags during their march on Aleppo.

Activists are planning to follow a route through the Czech Republic, Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Macedonia, Greece and Turkey, to Aleppo.

#Anna Alboth
#civil march
#Eastern Aleppo
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