
British PM May urges her party to back EU Brexit plan: spokesman

Ersin Çelik
15:15 - 11/07/2018 Wednesday
Update: 15:18 - 11/07/2018 Wednesday
Britain's Prime Minister Theresa May
Britain's Prime Minister Theresa May

Prime Minister Theresa May urges her Conservative Party to back her proposals for close trade ties with the European Union, her spokesman said on Wednesday, a day before the government publishes its so-called white paper Brexit policy document.

"The PM urges all of the Conservative party to get behind the plan as the cabinet (of ministers) has agreed at Chequers (her country residence). We will be publishing the white paper tomorrow to give further details," he told reporters.

"We urge everyone to get behind that plan."

#theresa may
#Conservative Party
6 years ago