
EU adopts sanctions against 'extremist' Israeli settlers over rights abuses against Palestinians

Sanction targets 4 individuals, 2 entities, says European Council

16:30 - 19/04/2024 Friday
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The EU on Friday adopted sanctions against "extremist" Israeli settlers in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem, holding them responsible for "serious human rights abuses against Palestinians."

A total of four individuals and two entities have been listed, a European Council statement said.

"The listed individuals and entities are responsible for serious human rights abuses against Palestinians, including torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment and for the violation of right to property and to private and family life of Palestinians in the West Bank," the statement said.

“The listed entities are Lehava, a radical right-wing Jewish supremacist group, and Hilltop Youth, a radical youth group consisting of members known for violent acts against Palestinians and their villages in the West Bank,” it added.

Individuals include the two leading figures of Hilltop Youth – Meir Ettinger and Elisha Yered – who were involved in deadly attacks against Palestinians in 2015 and 2023, the statement said.

The sanctions were also imposed on Neria Ben Pazi, who has been accused of repeatedly attacking Palestinians in Wadi Seeq and in Deir Jarir since 2021, and Yinon Levi, who has taken part in multiple violent acts against neighboring villages from his residence in the Mitarim farm illegal outpost, it added.

Those listed under the sanctions regime are subject to an asset freeze and a travel ban to the EU.

#West Bank
4 months ago