
Euphrates Shield Op neutralizes 23 Daesh terrorists

The Turkish military destroys 224 Daesh targets and neutralizes 23 Daesh terrorists as part of the ongoing Euphrates Shield Operation

Ersin Çelik
09:40 - 20/01/2017 Friday
Update: 09:43 - 20/01/2017 Friday
Yeni Şafak

The Turkish military destroyed 224 Daesh targets and neutralized 23 terrorists in northern Syria over the past 24 hours, military sources said on Friday, which marks the 150th day of the Euphrates Shield operation.

The Turkish-led operation, aided by the Free Syrian Army (FSA), was launched in late August to improve security, support coalition forces, and eliminate the terror threat along Turkey's border.

The Euphrates Shield Operation cleared an area of 1,100 square kilometers within its first 50 days, and has since secured an area of 2,000 square kilometers.

#Euphrates Shield
7 years ago