
Four killed in post-election violence in Bolivia

Death toll rise to 18, with 500 injured in turmoil

News Service
11:02 - 17/11/2019 Pazar
Update: 11:04 - 17/11/2019 Pazar
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Four people were killed Saturday in post-election violence in Bolivia.

Four coca producers were killed and 115 wounded in the Sacaba district of Chapare province, according to local police.

Two hundred people were arrested during clashes.

Clashes between police and former President Evo Morales supporters have intensified.

The death toll rose to 18 and 500 people were injured amid turmoil in Bolivia which has been thrown into crisis with demonstrators protesting results of presidential elections last month in which Morales declared victory for a fourth term in office.

Demonstrators took to the streets, believing the results were rigged.

Morales stepped down Nov. 10 under pressure from the military.

After he resigned, he requested political asylum from Mexico. Before leaving, he tweeted he would eventually return to Bolivia with more "strength and energy."

Meanwhile, opposition lawmaker Jeanine Anez proclaimed herself as interim president.

#Evo Morale
5 yıl önce