
France to take legal action against Google, Apple

French Economy Minister Bruno Le Maire says US tech giants will be sued for ‘abusive commercial practices’

Ersin Çelik
15:17 - 14/03/2018 Çarşamba
Update: 15:19 - 14/03/2018 Çarşamba
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France will file a lawsuit against U.S. tech giants Google and Apple for "abusive commercial practices", which include unilaterally imposing contractual terms on startups and developers, the country’s economy minister said on Wednesday.

"I learned that when developers develop their applications, and sell to Google and Apple, their prices are imposed, Google and Apple take all their data, Google and Apple can unilaterally rewrite their contracts," Bruno Le Maire told French RTL radio.

"All that is unacceptable and it’s not the economy that we want. As powerful as they are, Google and Apple can’t treat our startups and developers the way they do," he said, adding:

"I will therefore be taking Google and Apple to the Paris commercial court for abusive trade practices."

Le Maire said the fines could be in the "million of euros."

According to Le Maire’s office, a probe by the ministry’s fraud office determined that between 2015 and 2017 there were "significant imbalances" in the relationship between the two companies and developers who sold via their application stores.

A court is looking into the findings of a similar probe launched last year into Amazon.com Inc.

The French economy ministry is seeking to fine Amazon 10 million euros ($12.4 billion), according to media reports.

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