
German crisis not in France's interest, says Macron

Germany facing political deadlock after coalition talks collapsed on Sunday

Ersin Çelik
14:33 - 20/11/2017 Monday
Update: 14:36 - 20/11/2017 Monday
French President Emmanuel Macron
French President Emmanuel Macron

As German Chancellor Angela Merkel struggles to form a coalition government, French president Emmanuel Macron said on Monday the ongoing political stalemate was not in France’s interest.

"It is not in our interest that the process freezes up," Macron said, after speaking with Merkel by phone on Sunday.

Macron was talking to reporters as he received the head of the France’s center-right Republicains at the Elysee Palace for consultations on his European projects.

Macron, a close ally of Merkel, needs the German leader's support to push forward with his plans for reforming the European Union.

Germany is facing political deadlock after coalition talks with the Greens and the liberal Free Democrats (FDP) to form a new government collapsed on Sunday.

This most likely means Europe's largest economy may have to hold snap elections.

Walking out of the negotiations, FDP head Christian Lindner said: "It is better not to govern than to govern wrongly."

Macron said Lindner's statements were "pretty tough", adding there is "a real risk" of a failure to achieve a coalition.

#French President Emmanuel Macron
#German Chancellor Angela Merkel
7 years ago