
Iran slams European call for new nuke deal

France, Germany, Britain called on Iran to renegotiate nuclear deal

News Service
10:26 - 24/09/2019 Tuesday
Update: 10:27 - 24/09/2019 Tuesday
File photo: ran's Foreign Minister Javad Zarif
File photo: ran's Foreign Minister Javad Zarif

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has criticized the European signatories to the 2015 nuclear deal for failure to honor their commitments.

On Monday, France, Germany and Britain have called on Tehran to accept negotiations on its nuclear program as well as issues related to regional security.

"E3's paralysis in fulfilling their obligations w/o US permission has been clear since May 2018," Zarif wrote in Twitter on Tuesday.

"Solution to this deficiency: mustering will to forge independent path—not parroting absurd US claims requests INCONSISTENT with JCPOA."

"No new deal before compliance w/ current one," Zarif said.

Tensions between Iran and U.S. have worsened since U.S. President Donald Trump withdrew last year from the nuclear deal, also known as JCPOA, before reimposing sanctions against Tehran's oil and banking sectors.

Iran has since insisted that Europe must provide it additional economic support if they want to save the deal.

#nuke deal
5 years ago