
Iran's parliament speaker welcomes Saudi call for talks

Ali Larijani says Tehran welcomes Saudi desire for resolution of issues via dialogue, reports local media

News Service
17:03 - 1/10/2019 Tuesday
Update: 17:12 - 1/10/2019 Tuesday
FILE PHOTO: Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani
FILE PHOTO: Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani

Iran's parliament speaker on Tuesday welcomed the Saudi crown prince's remarks on resolving issues between the two countries through dialogue, according to local media.

Ali Larijani said Tehran welcomed the desire of Saudi Arabia to resolve issues through dialogue, saying: "The doors of Iran are open," according to the semi-official Fars News Agency.

"A Saudi-Iranian dialogue can solve many of the region's security and political problems," Larijani added.

Larijani's remarks come a day after Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman called Iran in an interview to stop its support for Yemen's rebel Houthi group.

Larijani also stressed that Iran recommended the Houthis accept any cease-fire deal with Saudi Arabia.

Tension between Saudi Arabia and Iran has mounted recently after attacks on two oil facilities of Aramco, an attack for which Riyadh and Washington held Tehran responsible, which the country has denied.

#Ali Larijani
#Mohammed bin Salman
#Saudi Arabia
5 years ago