
Israeli police officer accused of 'reckless homicide' in killing of autistic Palestinian

Iyad el-Hallaq deliberately killed by police in May 2020

09:56 - 18/06/2021 Friday
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 An Israeli police investigation unit on Thursday indicted a police officer for "reckless homicide" in the murder of Iyad el-Hallaq, an autistic Palestinian, killed in May 2020 in occupied East Jerusalem.

The Israeli official Broadcasting Corporation network said the police misconduct investigation unit filed an indictment against an officer who killed el-Hallaq under a reckless homicide accusation.

Iyad el-Hallaq, 32, was on his way to school when he was chased by Israeli forces who opened fire at him from close range.

A police officer followed him, who tried to escape to a garbage bin, and again shot el-Hallaq who posed no threat.

The el-Hallaq family said he was holding a card that indicates he was a person with special needs.

The murder sparked protests by the Palestinians and was also condemned by the UN.

*Ahmed Asmar contributed to this report from Ankara

#Iyad el-Hallaq
3 years ago