
Liberia VP Boakai concedes presidential race to soccer star Weah

Ersin Çelik
15:06 - 29/12/2017 Friday
Update: 15:07 - 29/12/2017 Friday
File Photo: Football icon and candidate for the president election for the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC), George Weah (C) arrives to cast his ballot for the second round of presidential elections
File Photo: Football icon and candidate for the president election for the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC), George Weah (C) arrives to cast his ballot for the second round of presidential elections

Liberia's Vice President Joseph Boakai on Friday conceded the presidential run-off election to former soccer star George Weah, easing the way toward the country's first democratic transition of power in over 70 years.

"My name will not be used an excuse for one drop of human blood to be spilled in this country," Boakai told supporters in the capital Monrovia, saying he had earlier called Weah to congratulate him on his victory.

#george weah
6 years ago