
Libya PM discusses military operations in Sirte, Jufra

Fayez al-Sarraj holds talks with army commanders to discuss military situation in Libya

News Service
09:09 - 13/07/2020 Pazartesi
Update: 09:11 - 13/07/2020 Pazartesi
Fayez al-Sarraj
Fayez al-Sarraj

Libyan Prime Minister Fayez al-Sarraj held talks with military commanders on Sunday to discuss the military situation in Libya, and operations in the Sirte/al-Jufra area.

The talks dwelt on "reviewing measures to secure the liberated areas," said a statement by al-Sarraj’s office.

The meeting also took up the “reorganization of the military institution and mechanisms of implementing programs of integrating the supporting military formations and enhancing the defense capabilities of the Libyan army within partnership programs with a number of friendly countries,” it said.

Last week German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas called for demilitarizing Sirte and al-Jufra as step toward re-launching negotiations between warring parties in Libya.

In March, the Libyan government launched Operation Peace Storm against eastern warlord Khalifa Haftar to counter his attacks on the capital Tripoli since April 2019.

The Libyan army recently liberated strategic locations including al-Watiya airbase and the city of Tarhuna, Haftar's last stronghold in western Libya.

#Fayez al-Sarraj
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