
Mexico evacuates 34 nationals from Haiti amid insecurity crisis

Mexican government conducts clandestine rescue operation involving Navy and Foreign Ministry to airlift citizens out of Haiti

11:12 - 2/04/2024 Tuesday
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Mexican Foreign Ministry announced on Monday the evacuation of 34 Mexican nationals from Port-au-Prince, Haiti, amid the ongoing insecurity crisis in the country.

On March 31, the Mexican government conducted a clandestine rescue operation involving the Navy and the Foreign Ministry to airlift the 34 citizens out of Haiti.

A Navy ship, equipped with a helicopter, facilitated the evacuation of 24 men and 10 women, including seven minors, seeking to depart Haiti due to the prevailing insecurity crisis.

In a joint statement by the Foreign Ministry and the Navy, it was revealed that Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador had ordered the evacuation in response to the "illegal control" exerted by armed groups over the Toussant Loverture International Airport, hindering civilian departures. The statement also cited violent incidents such as prison seizures and threats causing paralysis in the country.

"The airport has been closed for a month; it is not possible to enter or leave, and therefore, a very special operation was required where the Navy ship sailed to waters close to Haiti," said Foreign Minister Alicia Barcena at a briefing on Monday.

Two flights departed from a heliport at the Dominican Republic embassy in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, on Sunday at 4 a.m. local time. The rescue ship carrying the 34 Mexican nationals is expected to arrive off the coast of Yucatan in southeastern Mexico.

Through the joint statement, the Mexican government reiterated its condemnation of the violence in Haiti and urged the international community to intervene in the crisis.

"Mexico condemns the acts of violence perpetrated by organized crime groups that compromise institutionality and the rule of law in Haiti and urges the authorities and political actors to put the best interests of that nation first to reach agreements that help overcome the crisis and adopt the necessary measures to guarantee order, peace, and security, to call elections and move towards the re-establishment of democratic institutions," read the statement.

The Mexican Embassy in Haiti will continue operations with a minimal staff presence to protect facilities and assist Mexicans opting to remain in the country.

#Mexican Foreign Ministry
#insecurity crisis
5 months ago