A Muslim charity in the U.K. is holding a monthly event for the homeless and needy, where they eat their fill and even get free haircuts, contributing to the positive portrayal of Islam and its followers alike.
The “Purpose of Life Charity,” which was was founded five years ago in Yorkshire by 37-year-old Saj Hussain, is now branching out to other towns in the U.K., and will be holding its first event in Worcesters on Sunday, Jan. 26.
“We started doing events monthly in Yorkshire and we are now branching out to Birmingham and Worcester. Our ethos is to break barriers within communities and make sure that everyone feels included. Especially now, with Islamophobia and negativity in the media, I think it is important to combat it with positivity,” Hussain said.
In addition to a three-course meal and free haircuts, there will be henna-tattooing and nail painting activities held at the event.
“It is not just the homeless, but people suffering with anxiety, depression, bereavement, loneliness, we will never turn anyone away, the people that need our support is increasing each year - it is very sad. I have had people come up to me and say: “I was suicidal before I came to this meal, and it has given me hope,” he added.
Even though Muslims account for less than 5 percent of the U.K.’s 66-million population, 52 percent of religious hate crimes committed in England and Wales between 2017 and 2018 targeted people of Islamic faith, said the U.K. Home Office.
According to a report published in July 2018, anti-Muslim incidents increased by 26 percent between 2016 and 2017.