
NATO holds emergency meeting on Turkey-Syria crisis

NATO chief says "terrorism in all its forms can never be tolerated or justified" as all 28 NATO allies meet in Brussels Tuesday

Ersin Çelik
14:30 - 28/07/2015 Salı
Update: 11:32 - 28/07/2015 Salı

An emergency meeting of NATO is being held in Brussels at the request of Turkey on Tuesday.

Ambassadors of all 28 NATO allies are gathering amid police operations against terrorist organizations in the country.

Turkey has also started operations against Daesh and the PKK in northern Syria and Iraq.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, in his opening remarks ahead of the meeting, expressed his solidarity with Turkey: "Our condolences go to the Turkish government and the families of the victims touched by these terrible acts of terror,"

"Terrorism in all its forms can never be tolerated or justified; it is right and timely that we hold this meeting today to address the instability on Turkey's doorstep and NATO's border," Stoltenberg added.

Under Article 4 of the NATO treaty, any member country can request consultations whenever it feels its security is under threat.

"NATO Allies follow developments very closely and stand in solidarity with Turkey," Stoltenberg said.

Over eight hundred people have been detained across Turkey in three days of police raids against terrorist organizations.

Turkey has had a bitter week with dozens of citizens dying in a wave of terror attacks.

On Wednesday, two police officers were found shot dead at their shared home in Sanliurfa's Ceylanpinar district -- an attack for which the PKK terrorist organization claimed responsibility.

A day later, another policeman was killed in a gun attack in Diyarbakir.

The same day, gunfire from Syria killed a Turkish military officer and injured two troops in southern Kilis province, prompting Turkish forces to return fire.

On Friday, another police officer was kidnapped as he was heading from Mardin to Mus with his family on the Diyarbakir-Bingol Highway, police said.

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