
Pentagon urges Iraq to ensure safety of US forces in Iraq, Syria

'If these attacks continue, we will not hesitate to defend our forces as we have done in the past,' says spokesman

09:46 - 24/04/2024 Wednesday
Pentagon spokesman Pat Ryder
Pentagon spokesman Pat Ryder

The US military urged Iraq to take measures Tuesday to protect American forces from attacks by Iranian militia groups following assaults Monday.

Pentagon spokesman Pat Ryder said Iranian groups carried out two "unsuccessful attacks" Monday on US forces in Iraq and Syria.

He said they were the first attacks on coalition facilities since Feb. 4.

"These attacks put coalition and Iraqi personnel at risk. We call on the government of Iraq to take all necessary steps to ensure the safety of US forces in Iraq and Syria against attacks from these groups," said Ryder.

"If these attacks continue, we will not hesitate to defend our forces as we have done in the past," said the spokesman.

US bases in both countries have recently faced repeated attacks by Iranian-linked groups, which were stepped up following Oct. 7 attacks by the Palestinian resistance group, Hamas -- ensuing an Israeli response.

The Pentagon said there have been 190 US casualties in Iraq, Syria and Jordan since Oct. 18.

#Pat Ryder
4 months ago