
Ponte resigns from UN saying ‘there is no justice for Syria’

'I have no power as long as the security council does nothing. We are powerless, there is no justice for Syria,' says former top UN official

Ersin Çelik
14:45 - 9/08/2017 Wednesday
Update: 14:48 - 9/08/2017 Wednesday
Yeni Şafak
Carla Del Ponte
Carla Del Ponte

Former chief prosecutor for war crimes serving on the UN Commission of Inquiry in Syria Carla Del Ponte announced her resignation saying “I have no power as long as the security council does nothing. We are powerless, there is no justice for Syria.”

According to Swedish publication Blick, Ponte said ‘I have written my letter of resignation and will send it in the next few days. I am quitting this commission, which is not backed by any political will. I have no power as long as the [UN] Security Council does nothing. There is no justice for Syria.’

The commission consists of three members. Other two members of the commission under the head of Paulo Sergio Pinheiro were Ponte and Karen Koning AbuZayd.

In a previous statement Ponte slammed Syria’s Prime Minister Bashar al-Assad as “one of the worst criminals in history.”

#Carla Del Ponte
7 years ago