
Pro-West generals plotted coup to overthrow Erdoğan: Kadyrov​

“In fact, the Turkish generals used to interfere in politics, to dictate the country's leadership inside and outside the course. Each such attempt came from the Western-oriented military,” the Chechen leader says

Ersin Çelik
14:05 - 17/07/2016 الأحد
Update: 16:05 - 17/07/2016 الأحد
Yeni Şafak

Pro-Russian Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov said that the pro-West Turkish military official attempt to overthrow President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

He said Friday night's coup was attempted because Erdoğan's independent policies are crossbench from the West.

Kadyrov added that recent changes in Turkey's Syrian policy and Erdoğan's West-free policies could have led pro-West generals to orchestrate the coup attempt.

“Despite the ambiguity of the behavior of Erdoğan, to a certain extent, he began to pursue a more independent policy from the West in the evaluation of the processes occurring in the region. Maybe it's not liked by the pro-Western generals," Kadyrov said in his Instagram account.

He added that initial information indicates that the Turkish people supported “the legally elected President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and the country's government".

“Turkey is our closest neighbor, a country with which we are closely linked by economic, cultural and humanitarian relations," he stated.

The closest ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin rejected some allegation that the coup could have been plotted against Erdoğan's ambition for reviving the Ottoman Empire.

“There have also been noticeable positive changes in Turkey's approach to the events in Syria. Some comment that the attempt of a military coup is due to disagreement with the military, "Erdoğan's desire to Islamize the country, revive the Ottoman Empire. I believe that it is a somewhat superficial and hackneyed approach to the assessment of events. Most likely, these people do not know where the boundaries of the Ottoman Empire are, and are not aware that these goals cannot be put in front of any modern politician, including Erdoğan," Kadyrov said.

“In fact, the Turkish generals used to interfere in politics, to dictate the country's leadership inside and outside the course. Each such attempt came from the Western-oriented military."

We know from experience that any military coups lead to serious consequences," Kadyrov said and added, “We wish the brotherly people of Turkey as soon as possible restore peace and stability."

On Friday evening, a group of Army officers allegedly linked with the pro-Gülenist FETÖ terrorist organization attempted a military coup that failed by strong resistance from the people all over the country.

The incidents triggered by the coup plot had left at least 161 people killed and more than a thousand wounded.

The detainees include 3,000 military personnel who were involved in the coup attempt.

#Ramazan Kadırov
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