
Putin, Obama discuss Syria on phone as Turkey shells PYD

Russia's Putin and U.S. Obama discuss issues related to resolving the conflict in Syria and agree on cooperation to implement Syria agreement

Ersin Çelik
12:39 - 14/02/2016 Sunday
Update: 18:00 - 14/02/2016 Sunday

Russian President Vladimir Putin and U.S. President Barack Obama agreed to intensify diplomatic and other cooperation to implement an agreement on Syria struck at talks in Munich, the Kremlin said on Sunday.

The telephone conversation of tow major players in Syrian civil war came amid Turkey's shelling on PYD targets in northern Syria near Turkish border.

Both Russia and US back PYD as Turkey sees the group as Syrian branch of the banned PKK terrorist organization that has been fighting against Turkey's state for more than three decades.

In a statement on late Sunday White House said that President Obama said Putin to cease airstrikes in Syria and stop killing civilians.

"In particular, President Obama emphasized the importance now of Russia playing a constructive role by ceasing its air campaign against moderate opposition forces in Syria," the White House said in a statement

Major powers agreed on Friday to a temporary "cessation of hostilities" in Syria. The pause is due to begin in a week's time .

After phone talks between Putin and Obama on Sunday, the Kremlin said that both gave a "positive valuation" to the meeting on Syria in Munich on Feb. 11-12.

"In particular, a support was expressed to efforts of two target groups: for ceasefire and humanitarian aspects," the Kremlin said.

Kremlin added that during the talks, the need to establish close working contacts between Russia's and U.S. defence ministries was underlined, which would allow them to "successfully fight the Daesh and other terroristic organisations."

The Kremlin also said that Putin spoke with Obama about the importance of creating a unite anti-terrorism front. They also discussed the situation in Ukraine, the Kremlin said.

8 years ago