
Russian warplanes kill 11 civilians in Idlib

At least five Russian airstrikes have targeted humanitarian aid trucks coming from Turkey to aid Syrian refugees in the past two days

Ersin Çelik
17:12 - 28/11/2015 Cumartesi
Update: 15:17 - 28/11/2015 Cumartesi

Eleven civilians, including women and children, were killed Saturday when Russian warplanes targeted a residential area in Idlib province, Syrian Civil Defense sources told Anadolu Agency.

The sources also said that scores of people were injured in the airstrikes on Binnish town.

Meanwhile, Russian warplanes targeted a humanitarian aid convoy on Saturday in Idlib's al-Dana town.

Abo Wael, a Civil Defense volunteer, told Anadolu Agency that two missiles from the Russian warplanes targeted the aid convoy, leaving one person dead and four others injured.

Eight trucks carrying humanitarian supplies were also set on fire.

At least five Russian airstrikes have targeted humanitarian aid trucks coming from Turkey to aid Syrian refugees in the past two days.

Russia began air operations in Syria on Sept. 30 with the aim of supporting the embattled regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

While the Kremlin says the airstrikes target the Daesh militant group, some members of the NATO alliance believe Russia is targeting groups opposed to Assad, including some supported by the U.S. and Turkey.

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