
Russian warship opens fire on a Turkish fishermen's vessel

A Turkish fishermen's vessel in the Aegean Sea was targeted by a Russian warship as Moscow claimed that what seemed as an attack was merely a warning shot to avoid collision

Ersin Çelik
17:36 - 13/12/2015 الأحد
Update: 15:40 - 13/12/2015 الأحد
Yeni Şafak

A Russian warship, the destroyer Smetlivy, fired warning shots at a Turkish fishermen's vessel in the Aegean Sea, the Russian defense ministry said on Sunday.

The ministry summoned Turkish military attaché in Moscow and said that the warship “had to fir warning shots” to avoid a collision with the Turkish fishermen's vessel.

The Interfax news agency said the Turkish vessel, which the ministry did not name, had failed to respond to earlier warnings, but had sharply changed course after shots were fired before passing within 500 meters of the Russian warship.

The incident happened 22 kilometers off the Greek island of Lemnos.

Ankara is yet to comment over the incident, which following the ongoing tension between the two countries over the shooting down of a Russian fighter jet by a Turkish F-16 in Turkish airspace near the Syrian border last month.

#Fishermen vessel
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