
Syrian war manifests cooperation between Russia and Daesh

Fierce clashes in north of Aleppo hint at joint effort between Moscow and Daesh

Ersin Çelik
13:49 - 5/12/2015 Saturday
Update: 14:20 - 5/12/2015 Saturday
Yeni Şafak

Russia has intensified its strikes on rebel targets in Syria to help Daesh and YPG gain further ground in rural northern Aleppo, the scene of intense clashes.

Some reports said that Daesh has assumed control of several villages held by the opposition. Russian jets especially bombed regions jointly defended by coalitions of opposition groups -- Muntasir Billah Brigades, Ahrar al-Sham, Feilak al-Sham, Sultan Murat Brigades and Damascus Front – to open a corridor for Daesh to make its way to the northern front.

The rebel groups suffered heavy loss of lives in the Russian strikes. When they were attacked on December 1, they were battling against both Daesh and YPG, the armed wing of PKK's affiliate, Democratic Unity Party (PYD). More than 25 rebel fighters were killed in Russian bombing.

Since the most recent bombing, Daesh has been engaged in a campaign of harassment in and around Afrin city, in Aleppo's countryside. The extremist group overran opposition-controlled regions like Kefer, Naseh, Barak Atı, Ceriz and Kefre.

Currently, Daesh controls a strip stretching from Jarablus to Marea, located between the self-declared Syrian non-contiguous Kurdish cantons Kobane and Afrin. Turkey is planning to impose a safe zone for internally-displaced Syrians to take shelter. Ankara is eager to establish the safe zone along the 110-kilometre-long border from Karkamis (Jarablus) to Oncupinar [closer to Azez] crossing at a depth of 28 kilometres to 33 kilometres and gave a directive to the Turkish military to take necessary measures. There are conflicting reports over the most recent Russian bombing campaign in north rural of Aleppo. Local sources said the rebel coalition, led by Ahrar al-Sham, have retaken control of villages, which had been run over by Daesh.

The clashes, however, are still reportedly underway in some parts of the north rural in the wake of Monday's fresh attack which boosted moral among rebel groups.

Syrian Turkmen sources say the main purpose of Russian strikes as a move to eliminate corridors that the opposition use to reach Aleppo. Russian jets intentionally bombed roads leading to the Syrian main gates to Turkey to defeat their fighting against Daesh, Turkmens also suggest.

Ahmed Vezir, secretary-general of the Association of Syrian Turks, said troops loyal to al-Assad's regime launched intensive attacks to take control of strategic points. “Assad especially wants to seize control in regions of Red Mountain, Burj El Kasab and Jabal Aqrad. That's why the regime troops launched intensive attacks," he elaborated.

Vezir emphasized that the attacks launched over the last two months are the deadliest-ever in four years. “The Russian-backed regime bombed our region intensively from air, sea and land."

Turkmen officials also restated that 20 villages in Bayir-Bucak – where some 17,000 people are estimated to live -- had been entirely vacated as a result of the recent upsurge of violence. “An unspecified number of Turkmen, mostly women, children and elderly people, fled to the villages of Yamadi and Sallur near the border with Turkey or Turkey's Hatay province on the Syrian border," he explained.

Turkey's official disaster relief agency, AFAD, set up a coordination center in Yamadi villagr to coordinaye distribution of humanitarian aid to displaced Turkmen families. Over the last several days, approximately 2,000 Syrian Turkmen reportedly arrived in Turkey after fleeing violence in their homes.

#Turkmen official
9 years ago