
Trump’s political Twitter flops become real flip-flops

Ersin Çelik
16:30 - 4/01/2019 Friday
Update: 16:38 - 4/01/2019 Friday
Yeni Şafak
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Los-Angeles based 27-year-old Sam Morrison started selling flip-flops emblazoned with the U.S. President Donald Trump's contradictory political flip-flopping on Twitter, through his website -PresidentFlipFlops.com- back in 2017.

Morrison made 1,000 pairs of Trump flip-flops by hand and sold out his entire inventory in less than a month despite having no marketing budget, he said in an interview to Business Insider on Tuesday.

"Take a scroll through Donald Trump's 40,000 tweets, and you're sure to catch some contradicting opinions," Morrison said.

"I wanted to highlight this hypocrisy," he underlined.

Morrison said that his President Flip Flops was a limited run because he still works at a full-time job.

In 2013, Trump tweeted to urge President Barack Obama not to attack Syria. In April 2017, Trump attacked Syria.
#flip flops
#Sam Morrison
5 years ago