
Turkey not to remain silent if PYD violates its redline

Turkey would certainly respond to any armed faction's attempt to cross 60-mile-long Azaz-Jarablus line, military sources warn

Ersin Çelik
12:04 - 31/03/2016 Thursday
Update: 12:29 - 31/03/2016 Thursday
Yeni Şafak

Military sources said Turkey will certainly retaliate again if the PYD-linked coalition of Kurdish, Sunni Arab and Syriac Christian militants tries to cross the Azaz-Jarablus line, which is a sensitive boundary for Ankara.

The Turkish military will give an immediate response without crossing into Syrian territory if the Kurdish-led Democratic Forces of Syria (SDF) attempt to enter the 60-mile-long line bordering Turkey, the sources reiterated.

The fate of Azaz is a serious concern to Turkey. Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu says Ankara will not let the US-backed Kurdish-Arab militia alliance take it from the opposition. “Turkey will not allow the Syrian town of Azaz, just across from the Turkish border, to fall under the control of Syrian Kurdish groups," Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said. “We will not let Azaz fall," Davutoglu said on his plane en route to an official visit to Ukraine in February.

"The People's Protection Units will not be able to cross to the west of the Euphrates and east of Afrin," he added.

Turkey views the Democratic Union Party (PYD) as allied with the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), which has carried out a nearly four-decade-long armed campaign in the southeast of Turkey. The PKK is seen a terrorist organization by Turkey, the EU and US.

Hovewer, there is a rift between Ankara and Washington over PYD. Turkey perceives it as a terrorist organization because of its direct link with the PKK, while US regards PYD as an effective partner on the ground in Syria against Daesh terrorist network.

Meanwhile, there have been preparations on the ground to respond to Syrian Kurdish groups affiliated with PYD. According to military sources, Turkish Army howitzers will shell PYD-linked armed factions making any attempt to advance to the Azaz-Jarabulus line after taking Manbij town from Daesh, another terrorist network operating in Syria and Iraq.

On February 13, Turkey shelled positions held by People's Protection Units (YPG), the armed wing of Kurdish Democratic Forces (PYD), during their advance to the Syrian town of Azaz in Aleppo. Turkish artillery units in the southeastern province of Kilis also opened heavy retaliation fire against pro-regime forces during their response.

Local sources in Syria said a PYD offensive is imminent to take Manbij, 40 kilometers from the Azaz-Jarablus line, because its chief, Saleh Muslim, intends to connect Kobani and Afrin cantons.

PYD succeeded in connecting Haseke and Kobani cantons, the two non-contiguous zones of territory it holds in northern Syria. If it is able to reorganize the remaining two non-contiguous zones -- Kobani and Afrin-- in the territory it controls, its chief will be able to exercise his power along more than 500 kilometers of Syria's border with Turkey.

Turkish intelligence units have closely followed the moves of PYD-linked Syrian armed factions. An intelligence report said there is no sign showing the US-led coalition will provide air support to the Kurdish-Arab militia alliance on its march to Azaz. “Of course, this intelligence is only valid for now," an intelligence official said.

However, there have been reports of heavy US bombing while PYD-linked armed groups have massed in the region to take Manbij, west of the Euphrates River.

The reports said heavy US strikes in Manbij are still in progress on its third day, contrary to a report issued by the Turkish intelligence service (MIT). According to local sources, US warplanes have carried out 25 air raids around the town, particularly its Hafse and Değirmenler neighborhoods.

Reports, quoting local sources, said that US-led coalition planes struck Tishrin Dam and its surrounding area as well as Daesh's front lines in the south of Jarablus.

Sources also said that PYD's armed groups have seized five depots, including ammunitions and weapons, in Daesh-held Sırrin town.

#Azaz-Jarablus line
8 years ago