
Turkish military convoy deploys to fourth observation point in Syria's Idlib

TAF convoy moves to fourth observation point in Syria's Idlib, which will be established in accordance with Astana agreement

Ersin Çelik
14:41 - 5/02/2018 Pazartesi
Update: 17:18 - 5/02/2018 Pazartesi
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A Turkish Armed Forces (TAF) convoy was deployed to the fourth observation point in Syria's Idlib on Monday, which will be established in accordance with the Astana agreement.

The military convoy that set out from Turkey to Idlib early in the morning safely reached the western Aleppo countryside, which is inside the de-escalation zone.

Turkey aims to establish a fourth observation point in the area with its deployed forces.

The Turkish General Staff said in a statement that work to establish the fourth observation point has started, adding that reconnaissance for two additional observation points has also begun.

The statement added that Idlib de-escalation zone was created as part of the Astana, Kazakhstan talks to establish, observe and provide the continuity of the cease-fire in Syria, to establish suitable conditions to enable delivery of humanitarian aid to the needy, and to facilitate the return of the displaced to their homes.

There are currently three active observation points run by the TAF. One is at the Salwa town near northern Idlib, another near the Samaan caste near Deir ez-Zor city in western Aleppo, and the third is in the Sheikh Akil village in northwestern Aleppo.

According to the Astana agreement, Turkey is projected to gradually establish 12 observation points, from Idlib's north to south.

During a meeting in Kazakh capital Astana on May 4, the guarantor countries -- Russia, Turkey, and Iran -- signed a deal to establish de-escalation zones in Syria, which included Idlib in northwestern Syria, on the Turkish border.

Turkish troops were tasked with monitoring a cease-fire and establishing a series of observation posts along the line between the Syrian areas of Idlib and Afrin. While the Turkish military has been tasked with establishing observation posts in central Idlib, Russia has been tasked with doing the same in outlying areas.

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