
Two Italian regions vote on greater autonomy

Northern regions of Lombardy, Veneto hold non-binding referendum

Ersin Çelik
13:05 - 22/10/2017 Pazar
Update: 13:53 - 22/10/2017 Pazar
Northern regions of Lombardy, Veneto hold non-binding referendum
Northern regions of Lombardy, Veneto hold non-binding referendum

Italy's regions of Lombardy and Veneto started voting in a non-binding referendum on Sunday to demand greater autonomy from the central government, according to local media.

The ANSA news agency said the voting in Lombardy and Veneto whose regional capitals are Milan and Venice started at 7 a.m. local time (0500GMT) and would continue until 11 p.m (2100GMT).

Around 11 million voters, nearly a quarter of Italy’s population, will decide whether they want their regional governments to claim more control from Rome over tax revenues, immigration and education systems.

Both Roberto Maroni, the president of Lombardy, and Luca Zaia, the president of Veneto, support a 'Yes' vote, claiming that each region sends annually over 50 billion euros (approximately $59 billion) of their taxes to Rome.

According to Italian media, the total cost of the referendum in both regions will amount to about 65 million euros (around $76 million).

#Lombardy and Veneto
#non-binding referendums
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