
UK lawmakers look set to win vote to take control of Brexit process: source

Ersin Çelik
16:30 - 25/03/2019 Monday
Update: 16:32 - 25/03/2019 Monday
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British lawmakers are likely to win a vote on Monday to wrestle control of the Brexit process from the government by trying to find a majority for an alternative way forward to break the parliamentary deadlock, a government source said.

An amendment proposed by a cross-party group of lawmakers, led by Oliver Letwin, a member of Prime Minister Theresa May's Conservative Party, seeks to change the rules of parliament on March 27 in order to provide time for lawmakers to debate and vote on alternative ways forward on Brexit. This a process often referred to as 'indicative votes'.

The government expects the move to be passed by parliament, which, the source said, could end up compelling the government to act on whichever options are seen as commanding a majority in the deeply divided House of Commons.

5 years ago