
US assures PYD of help seizing Çobanbey

PYD-led Syrian Democratic Forces will be the alternative to Syrian opposition groups in northern Syria as US agrees to work with PYD to capture Çobanbey

Ersin Çelik
09:57 - 18/04/2016 Monday
Update: 10:02 - 18/04/2016 Monday
Yeni Şafak

Senior US military officials assured the PYD terror group in Northern Syria of military support in seizing Çobanbey, a Turkmen city near Turkish border, this summer.

Çobanbey is a strategic city located north of Aleppo that is currently under Daesh control.

Earlier this month, Syrian opposition groups and Turkmen brigades launched a joint operation to recapture the city from the terror group. The opposition's move caused panic among PYD.

According to local sources, PYD officials requested US a meeting with military personnel regarding the issue. The meeting was held in PYD-controlled al-Hasaka town in northern Syria.

Top PYD leaders, including Şervan Derviş and Redur Halil, led the PYD group at the secret meeting, where US officials reportedly criticized the opposition's activities in the region.

Sources said Pentagon officials assured PYD of recapturing the city from the opposition group.

“Please be patient, you [PYD] will be in the area in mid-June," the US officials reportedly told PYD.

US officials also told PYD that Syrian opposition groups could not succeed in driving Daesh from the area. “PYD and affiliate group's militants will be deployed in the area in mid-June and the US will support them with heavy airstrikes," the officials assured PYD.

According to the secret plan, PYD will seize Azaz, Çobanbey, Aktarin, Munbij and Gandura areas in northern Syria with US air support.

US officials also will convince Syrian opposition groups to fight alongside Syrian Democratic Forces, a PYD-led group, against Daesh in the area.

Moreover, Syrian Democratic Forces will be the alternative to moderate Syrian opposition groups in the area as both the US and PYD agreed on the issue in the secret meeting, the sources said.

About 5,000 PYD militants will launch simultaneous operations against Daesh in the Tishrin, Tel Rifat and Arfin area with the goal of seizing the cities in 20 days with US support, according to the plan.

8 years ago