
US congressman indicted on corruption charges

Duncan Hunter, wife charged for misuse of $250,000 in campaign funds

Ersin Çelik
09:11 - 22/08/2018 الأربعاء
Update: 09:12 - 22/08/2018 الأربعاء
File photo: U.S. Congressman Duncan D. Hunter
File photo: U.S. Congressman Duncan D. Hunter

Congressman Duncan Hunter was indicted Tuesday by the Department of Justice for misusing $250,000 in campaign funds.

A grand jury in San Diego in California indicted Hunter and his wife, citing they used the money for personal use, according to multiple news sources. The couple was also said to have filed false campaign finance records.

The Justice Department said they used money from the campaign to pay for personal expenses, including their children's tuition, shopping and trips to Italy and Hawaii.

They will be an arraigned by the grand jury Thursday.

The indictments sets off a new course in a yearlong investigation into the financial records of the congressman. His financial records have been under scrutiny since 2016 for large amounts of personal expenses.

Hunter is not stranger to Congress having served as representative for California's 50th district since 2013, and for California's 52nd district from 2009 - 2012. His father, Duncan Lee Hunter, previously served as representative for of the 52nd district for just under 30 years.

The younger Hunter is currently running for reelection in November against Palestinian-American Ammar Campa-Najjar.

#Duncan Hunter
#US congressman
#corruption charges
#A grand jury in San Diego
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