
US trains armed groups at Tanf base for new terror corridor

After Turkey’s Operation Olive Branch blocked the northern corridor, the Pentagon put Plan B into action by training terrorists in the Tanf base to mobilize for the establishment of a southern corridor

Ersin Çelik
12:43 - 30/05/2018 Wednesday
Update: 12:54 - 30/05/2018 Wednesday
Yeni Şafak
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New terror organizations are being established by the U.S. at the Tanf military base in southern Syria that is run by Washington, where a number of armed groups are being trained in order to be used as a pretext to justify U.S. presence in the war-torn country.

Fingers are being pointed at the U.S. after four Russian soldiers were killed in Syria’s Deir Ezzor province, as it is being claimed that Daesh and armed groups, which are being labeled as “moderate opposition” and trained at the U.S. training base in the Tanf region, are behind the attack.

The attack was carried out by a kamikaze bomb-laden combat drone and aimed to open a rift between Ankara and Moscow by blaming the Turkey-backed Syrian opposition for the incident.

However, Russia had ruled out that the Free Syrian Army (FSA) is capable of mounting such a sophisticated attack.

New U.S.-backed groups outside the umbrella of the FSA

The base in al-Tanf, which has recently been attracting attention, is seen as the center of new terrorist structures planned to be the pretext for the U.S. to remain in Syria, after Washington legitimized its presence in Iraq under the pretext of the Daesh terror group.

The Tanf region and the Golan Heights are the two last major opposition strongholds in southern Syria along with a small area to the southeast.

Military training is being conducted for “moderate” opposition groups in al-Tanf, where both the U.S. and UK have bases.

These groups are made up of structures that have been established through U.S. financing and have not been accepted under the umbrella of opposition groups approved by Turkey and the FSA.

From Deir Ezzor to Haifa

Claiming to “training the opposition” in Tanf, the U.S. is training operation militants under perception of being “at an equal distance to all groups.”

Apart from the so-called opposition that is linked to al-Qaeda, Daesh terrorists brought from Raqqa, western Deir Ezzor and the Golan Heights are being trained in the Tanf camp.

The Tanf region carries strategic importance for the U.S.-UK-Israel alliance’s plans in Syria.

The new line for PKK terror corridor, which was foiled by Turkey's Euphrates Shield and Olive Branch operations in northern Syria, is being evaluated as being along the borders of Israel and Jordan through Deir Ezzor and Tanf.

The plan is to transport Iraqi oil to the Haifa Port on the Mediterranean through Deir Ezzor and Tanf.

After Turkey’s Operation Olive Branch blocked the northern corridor, the Pentagon has put Plan B into action by training terrorists in the Tanf base in order to mobilize new terror elements for the establishment of a southern corridor.

Plans to shift the Syrian war to the south have become more pronounced after the missile strike that the U.S. carried out in coordination with Britain and France.

#Terror Corrdior
6 years ago