
Houthi attack damages Saudi ship off Yemen coast

Ersin Çelik
14:26 - 25/07/2018 Çarşamba
Update: 15:25 - 25/07/2018 Çarşamba
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"The Saudi oil tanker was subjected to slight damage due to the attack by the Houthi militia," said a statement carried by Saudi state media. It did not name the vessel or describe the method of attack.

Saudi Aramco referred a Reuters' query about the incident to the relevant government ministry.

The Houthis' Al Masirah TV said earlier on Twitter that it had targeted a warship named the Dammam off the western coast of Yemen, without providing details.

The Houthis have also fired missiles into Saudi Arabia. The coalition has carried out a campaign of thousands of air strikes and reestricted imports into Yemen, worsening what the United Nations says is potentially the world's worst humanitarian crisis.

Saudi Arabia accuses arch-regional foe Iran of supplying missiles to the Houthis, something Tehran and the Houthis deny.

#Saudi Arabia
#oil tanker
6 yıl önce