
YPG/PKK expels 500 Arabs in Syria for refusing to fight for terror group

Terrorists also confiscate arms of Arabs, whom they could not convince to fight in Tel Rifat, surrounding areas of N. Syria

News Service
09:34 - 19/05/2019 Sunday
Update: 09:36 - 19/05/2019 Sunday
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YPG/PKK terrorist organization in Tel Rifat district of northern Syria expelled 500 Arabs from their ranks for refusing to fight for the terror group, local sources said Saturday.

The SDF refers to the Syria Democratic Forces group that comprises Kurdish and Arab fighters battling Daesh. The YPG is the military wing of PYD, which is the Syrian affiliate of the terrorist PKK organization.

According to local sources, the terror group also confiscated the arms of the Arabs, whom they could not convince to fight in Tel Rifat and the surrounding areas.

The YPG/PKK terror group uses the acronym SDF as a cover for receiving U.S. support. The terrorists have occupied 28 of Syrian territory.

The sources also said that YPG/PKK fired the Arabs from the group to threaten other Arab members.

Earlier in the day, some YPG/PKK terrorist attempted to infiltrated into Jibrin and Kafr Kashir areas in south of Azaz district controlled by Turkey-backed Fee Syrian Army (FSA) fighters.

Five FSA fighters died in clashes erupted during the infiltration attempt, said another local source, who spoke on the condition of anonymity.

Moreover, the terrorist set fire to farmland in Abla and Hazvan areas of FSA-controlled Al-Bab district on Friday night.

In its more than 30-year terror campaign against Turkey, the PKK -- listed as a terrorist organization by Turkey, the U.S. and the EU -- has been responsible for the deaths of some 40,000 people, including women and children. The YPG is its Syrian branch.

#500 Arabs
#Tel Rifat
#terror group
#YPG/PKK terrorists
5 years ago