Iraq: Summary of history and geography or Kut-ul Amara

It is not a coincidence that we are forced to keep away from what is native in exchange for every alliance we have entered with the West in our recent political history. The Kut-ul Amara Victory, which we have been able to remember again on the occasion of its 100th anniversary, is an example of this. This victory, celebrated with the armed forces as one of our rare victories in World War I stopped being – or could no longer be – celebrated during the NATO membership period. The reason is perfectly clear: Remembering a victory won against one of the important members of the Western alliance which we joined could disturb the British, who were now allies. Of course, whether the British and French changed the success they won against the Ottoman Empire and discourse in the same circumstance so as not to make the Turks uncomfortable is a different question. Similarly, the 500th anniversary of the conquest of Istanbul was also a dull commemoration rather than a magnificent celebration.

#Kut-ul Amara
8 yıl önce
Iraq: Summary of history and geography or Kut-ul Amara
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